Module A-106-5 is a 12dB multimode filter that is based on the filter circuit of the Oberheim SEM module.The filter is equipped with a band pass output and a combined low/notch/high pass output. For this output a control knob defines the relation between low and high pass signal. If both signals appear at the same level (i.e. middle position of the Mix knob) one obtains a notch filter. Otherwise the low or high pass signal predominates. The module does not feature self oscillation in contrast to most of the other filters of the A-100 system. The module generates a distorted audio signal if the level control is set to about 50% (i.e. center position) or more with A-100 standard signals like VCOs.
Inputs: Audio In, CV1 In without attenuator, CV2 In with Polarizer
Outputs: Bandpass Out, Low/Highpass Mix-Out
Controls: Audio Attenuator, CV2 Polarizer, Frequency, Resonance, LP/HP Mix
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