4ms' Dual EnvVCA is the compact companion for Ensemble Oscillator or any other VCO! You get TWO channels of the 4ms EnvVCA with these features:
- Sliders and 3-position range switches for Rise and Fall times: (12ms - 20 min)
- Linear waveshape (ramp/triangle)
- CV Control of Rise and Fall time with independent attenuverters
- Trigger jack (one-shot) and Cycle jack (toggled by gate input)
- Follow jack allows for slew-limiting, sustain (ASR), and exotic filtering effects
- End of Rise gate output
- Slider controls output level of Env Jack, independent from audio/VCA volume
- DC-coupled low-noise exponential VCA for audio or CV
plus more:
- Level and Offset knobs for full control of Env jack outputs
- VCA CV input jack for each channel (normalized to internal envelope)
- Shared Cycle jack toggles cycling on each channel
- Analog OR output combines peaks of both channels
- 16HP